Lose Weight: A Simple Plan To Jump Start Your Health

Maria Menounos

Even if you’re vegan, protein is important. Sources like almonds, beans and soy products are good choices. Although lean proteins like tuna, salmon, turkey and chicken are encouraged, beef can be lean and densely packed with protein as well. Hydrate. Low and no calorie beverages like teas and coffees help hydrate the body almost as well as water which should be the primary beverage choice.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.examiner.com/article/lose-weight-a-simple-plan-to-jump-start-your-health

Pescetarian diet boosts health and weight loss with seafood and vegetarian foods

Sunny Side Up Egg

Her tips: Learn what a serving of each of the six food groups serving looks like. Discover how much of each food group you can eat to lose weight (it’s detailed in her book so you can customize it for your own weight loss goals). Just tally up your food group totals. And in contrast to all those diets that focus on eliminating entire food groups, Janis recommends including foods from each of the following: Starches (bread, grains, cereal, potatoes, legumes) Vegetables Dairy (milk, plain yogurt, soymilk and other non-dairy milk) Fat (oil, butter, nuts, seeds, avocado, bacon, cream cheese) Protein (meat, poultry, seafood, tofu, edamame, cheese) Janis describes herself as a pescetarian , which she defines as ” vegetarian who also eats seafood.” She feels that you should eat unprocessed foods as much as possible, but allows room for chocolate and other occasional indulgences. As for her take on the popular Paleo plan (which excludes grains and dairy) and the ketogenic approach (which boosts fat intake while eliminating all grains and sugars, including keeping fruit intake low), Janis says that these low carb diets work short-term but that it’s difficult to keep carbohydrates so low as time goes on.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.examiner.com/article/pescetarian-diet-boosts-health-and-weight-loss-with-seafood-and-vegetarian-foods

Study finds that patients who lose weight have better joint replacement outcomes

Researchers also determined that patients who lose weight do better in terms of function and activity level two years down the road. “Our findings represent the first report to present evidence that weight loss is associated with garcinia cambogia improved clinical outcomes, while weight gain is associated with inferior http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/idUSnHUGdsQR+73+ONE20140113 outcomes, although these results are really not surprising,” said Geoffrey Westrich, MD, senior investigator and director of research, Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement at Hospital for Special Surgery. More than one million knee and hip replacements are performed in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (Knee = 719,000; Hip = 332,000). Following almost 7,000 patients enrolled in the joint replacement registry at HSS, researchers found that while some patients lost or gained weight after joint replacement, the majority of patients maintained the same body mass index, or BMI, that they had prior to surgery.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.news-medical.net/news/20140317/Study-finds-that-patients-who-lose-weight-have-better-joint-replacement-outcomes.aspx