‘new Lean For Life’: Ketogenic Low Carb High Fat Diet For Rapid Safe Weight Loss

Exposure To Mild Cold Could Aid Weight Loss, Study Suggests

Well, when these three bio-worlds work together, the result is rapid weight loss. Of course, each one has different needs: the brain is a pleasure-seeker, the body is a nutrient-seeker, and the gut (specifically gut microflora) is a fiber-seeker.” The duo say that their weight loss plan, which is high fat, moderate protein and low carb, provides a weapon overlooked by most diet books: Gut microflora. “Gut microflora play a key role that is often overlooked by most diet books: when these clever bacteria work for us, they secrete 85% of our bodys serotonin, AKA the happiness hormone. So, when the brain, body and gut are in balance, a person is lean, healthy AND happywith a metabolism that works to keep them that way,” they explain.
For the original version including http://finance.yahoo.com/news/garcinia-cambogia-extract-investigation-now-190000760.html any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.examiner.com/article/new-lean-for-life-ketogenic-low-carb-high-fat-diet-for-rapid-safe-weight-loss

Sunny Side Up Egg

In fact, some research suggests that if the weather never changes, you start taking that sunshine for granted. Shivering through the cold makes those warm spring days seem even better when they finally come along, according to Psychology Today. Cold Weather Can Reduce Inflammation There’s a reason putting ice on an injury works. That drop in temperature reduces inflammation in, say, a sprained ankle or stubbed toe. But the theory works on a much grander scale, too — cold temperatures can reduce inflammation and pain all over.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/22/cold-weight-loss-energy-temperature_n_4646858.html

Fat-loss superfoods that really work

Here’s a list of nutrient-rich food items that are beneficial to the body Coconut milk: The healthy saturated fat in coconut comes from garcinia cambogia side effects medium-chain triglycerides, a fatty acid your body prefers to burn rather than store. Raspberries: Blueberries hog the spotlight, but raspberries are actually higher in fibre. One cup provides a whopping 8 grams. Experts say you probably get about half the fibre you should, and on a lower-carbohydrate diet, even less. Benefits include balanced blood sugar levels and reduced cravings.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/Fat-loss-superfoods-that-really-work/articleshow/29160003.cms